I don’t know, I animate I guess.
Age 17, Male
school is shit. drop out kids.
earth dummy
Joined on 6/30/18
Posted by stevetherapper - June 30th, 2021
Today’s officially my 1097th day on Newgrounds. Yay!
All I can really say is thanks to those who‘ve been sticking around since day one.
I don’t feel like saying much else, sorry.
Posted by stevetherapper - June 12th, 2021
What’s up rappers? Steve here. Huh, it’s been a while since I’ve said that. So when I was eating breakfast this afternoon, I looked at my phone and found out that I had just reached 200 fans on Newgrounds!!
A lot of you seemed to have really liked my last animation, “First you think the thing...” It got 4th place on the daily picks, and it’s actually my best preforming animation on Newgrounds at that (yes, even including collabs I participated in), so that’s something I’m still proud of today! Thanks for the 4th place, and thanks for 200 fans guys, it really means a lot to me! I’ll be sure to try and make more animations in the upcoming months, so stay tuned for that! Welp, that’s all. See ya, and thanks again for all the love and support y’all have been giving me for the past 3 years!
Oh and subscribe to my YouTube channel! https://youtube.com/c/SteveTheRapper2008
Posted by stevetherapper - June 5th, 2021
Oh hello reader! What’s up? Cool, I’m doing good thanks for asking. You’re probably wondering what I’m doing with my life as of today. Well let me break it down for y’all peeps.
So school’s ending in 20 days as I’m writing this. How do I feel about this? Well, happy, because summer vacation, don’t have to stress out on school work for the next 2 months, but at the same time kinda sad, because during those 2 months I won’t be spending as much time as I did with a lot of my classmates and teachers this year.
Now don’t get me wrong, school can be a pain in the ass, but as long as you’ve got great teachers who will always succeed in making every student in your class eager to learn, you’re good. I don’t wanna brag but at this point ELA might be my favorite class this year, cause my teachers were so fun to be around and ask questions to. As much as I can’t wait to finally get out of school soon, I’ll still miss my ELA teachers, as they made my year a ton of fun, so shoutout to them!
Another thing I forgot to mention, next year every student in my school will be forced to attend school physically (that’s right, no option for online classes anymore), and will be required to wear a mask when entering the building. So yeah, wearing a mask for 6 and a half hours straight. How fun.
I’ve been working on quite a few projects. I also noted in my last news post that I was working on a short animation, which I still am, so expect that by Monday. Yeah. I’m also collaborating with a couple buds on their projects, and one of them is a secret project, so that oughta be good! What is the secret project you might be asking? To which I respond, that’s the thing, it’s called a SECRET project, and therefore I can’t tell you until it’s been publicized. But yeah, stay tuned for those projects I’m working on as of today!
You might be wondering why I haven’t talked about the A Day In Steve’s Life pilot yet in this subject. And that’s where the disappointing news come in: I’m officially putting the ADISL pilot on an indefinite hiatus. That’s right, due to the lack of motivation I’ve been having on the pilot for a while, the bunch of projects I’m working on, and also to focus more on school (I guess), production on the ADISL pilot has been suspended until further notice. How long will the hiatus be? Probably a few weeks to a couple of months. I may work on a little bit of it here and there, and I want to release the pilot before I graduate middle school, but until then, don’t expect the pilot anytime soon. I sincerely apologize to anyone who was really eager to see the pilot in its full form.
But yeah, now you’re updated on what I’ve been doing as of recent! If not...
TL;DR: I have a bittersweet feeling about school ending for me in a matter of weeks, I’m working on a few projects; one of them being a secret one, and I’m officially putting production of the ADISL pilot on a hopefully temporarily pause.
Huh. What was even the point of reading this whole thing anyway if you have the literal summarization of it at the bottom of this page. Idk, maybe you just wanted to see this news post all in depth, or you probably just didn’t know there was the summarization at the bottom of the page. Whatever, NOW you should be updated on what’s going on in my life!
Anyways that’s all I’ve gotta say! Thanks for reading, wish me luck, and I’ll see you guys next time! Bye!
Posted by stevetherapper - May 30th, 2021
If I don’t respond to your direct messages here for the time being, it’s because apparently I’ve run out of outbox space, and I guess that’s why the “Send Reply” button is grayed out for me. Sadly I can’t seem to know a way around this as of now, I’ve been removing pages of sentbox emails, and I’m still getting this message that I’ve run out of outbox space somehow. So at this point idk what to do anymore. If anyone here could tell me how to fix this problem I’m having, that’d be great! But for now, don’t expect a response from me right away if you’re gonna send me a direct message.
Also I’m working on something short and sweet atm, so stay tuned for that!
Oh and I also forgot to mention, I’m always on Discord, so if you wanna find another way to chat with me for the time being, my Discord is @Steve The Rapper#9369, so friend me there if you want!
Aug 11st, 2021: This situation has been resolved as of now, so feel free to pm me about anything without any complaints!
Posted by stevetherapper - April 28th, 2021
What reminds y’all of me, if you even think about me at all?