I’m by no means perfect. I’ve made mistakes that have ranged from minor to hella fuckin huge. I’ve gained and lost respect for the things I’ve said and done all the while trying to be the best version of myself. I’ve witnessed friends good and bad come and go. After everything that’s happened these past 7 years, I’m still here trying to be the best person and content creator I can be.
To the people I’ve wronged and who don’t want anything to do with me anymore, I’ve matured enough to admit that I am at fault for whatever it is that caused us to part ways, and I don’t expect anything to change or to regain your respect. We can both just keep doing our thing like nothing ever happened between us.
My main goal on sites like Newgrounds and YouTube has always been to showcase the best of my ability as much as I can. Will the journey be easy? Probably not. I doubt it. Will I do whatever it takes to satisfy that goal? Hell yeah. Come on. I’m a content creator. I chose this life back in ‘18 and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to give y’all straight peak. Because it’s what I can do, and I enjoy doing it. And whether you wanna stick around or not is up to you. I can’t force you to do anything, and I won’t bother trying. It’s your life, not mine.
My main goal in life, on the other hand, is to get close to God once and for all. Seek faith and repent all my sins. That’s all. I just wanna get into Heaven when I die and be forgiven by the one who died for my sins. I’m 17 years old and I’ve learned a lot about how to live with myself and how to cope with being alone. If there’s anyone in this world I should trust, it’s Him.
you're 17 dude, you got all the time you need to repent and become the person you wanna be. You got this.
yessir, thanks for the motivation bro